Thursday, 25 February 2016

Overview of Oracle e-Business Suite

      Overview of Oracle Applications (Oracle e-Business Suite)

Oracle E-Business Suite is the most comprehensive suite of integrated, global business applications that enable organizations to make better decisions, reduce costs, and increase performance.

                        Releases of Oracle Applications

Oracle Application Architecture

Oracle Application Server file Structure

Operational/Functional security in Oracle APPS

     User : The application user who will access to Oracle Application 

It’s a level of authority in Oracle Applications which allows user to access only those functions and data that are appropriate to their role in an organization
Each responsibility allows access to:
Ø  A specific application or applications
Ø  A set of books
Ø  A restricted list of functions a user can perform. Example: Two resp having same name
       but one may have more function where as other mayn’t have .
Ø  Reports in specific applications
Ø  Each user has at least one or more responsibility  and several users can share the same

Request Group:
A request security group is the collection of requests, request sets, and concurrent programs that a user, operating under a given responsibility, can select from the Submit Requests window.
Data Group: A data group is a list of Oracle Applications and the Oracle username assigned to each application
 1. It identifies the Oracle username that forms connect to when you select the responsibility.
 2. Concurrent managers use a data group to match the application that owns a report or
     concurrent program (submitted by a user of the responsibility) with a Oracle username.
Menu:  Menu is a hierarchical listing of functions (forms) so that the user can easily navigate through the forms once he is in a responsibility.  Every responsibility will be assigned only one main menu. Under that main menu, you can have either have other sub menus or functions.
Function: Functions are nothing but the forms in Oracle Application

Organization Structure in e-Business Suite

BUSINESS GROUP (BG): A business group is the top level in org structure. In Oracle EBS, Business Group holds the employee information. If there is a Group of Companies and they all are using a single instance of Oracle Apps then every employee in each company will be defined at BG level. Each employee will then be assigned a responsibility. That responsibility determines which company that employee belongs to and what type of transaction can be carried out.
A BG can have multiple ledger attached to it and there can be Multiple Business Groups in one instance.
LEDGER: It’s a register which notes every transaction related to money or finances.
There are 4C’s concepts in Ledger.
1.Chart of Account (Particulars of Goods)
2.Currency (Amount)
3.Calendar (Date)
4.Subledger Accounting Convention (Cash / Accrual)
Oracle General Ledger resides at this level.
LEGAL ENTITY (LE): A legal entity is the one for which you want a Balance Sheet and Income statement. Legal Entity definition is any company which is reporting to Government.
OPERATING UNIT (OU): Operating Unit (OU) comes under a ledger with a legal context. “Legal Context” is referred to as the Legal entity to which it is attached. The purpose of an operating unit is to segregate or separate sub ledger transactions.
Oracle Payable, Purchasing, Receivables, Order Management resides at this level of Org.
INVENTORY ORGANIZATION: Inventory Organization is last or the lowest level of Org structure. Inventory organization refers to any kind storage of item, finished goods and raw materials, etc. This storage can be Warehouse, Floors, Cabinets, Drawers, or a logical store which don’t exists physically.

Multi Org Structure

The figure above shows a corporation with two business groups, three legal entities, four operating units, and five inventory organizations.

The business groups are U.S. and U.K. The U.S. business group consists of two legal entities - Western Division and Eastern Operations. These legal entities are assigned to the same ledger (US Operations) because they share the same ledger currency, accounting flexfield structure, and calendar. The U.K. legal entity - UK Division - is assigned to a separate ledger (UK Operations) because its ledger currency is different from that of the U.S. legal entities.
The US Western Division legal entity consists of two operating units - Northwest Region and Southwest Region. The Northwest Region consists of two inventory organizations - Plant 1 and Plant 2. The Southwest Region has one inventory organization, named Plant 3. The US Eastern Operations legal entity is also an operating unit and inventory organization.
The UK Division legal entity has one operating unit, named UK Sales Office. The operating unit has one inventory organization, named UK Plant.

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