Sunday, 6 March 2016

Oracle Alert

Oracle Alert

Overview of Oracle Alert:.............................................................................................
Types of Oracle Alert...................................................................................................
Event Alert Overview.....................................................................................................
Periodic Alert Overview..................................................................................................
Frequency for Periodic Alerts: .........................................................................................
The Periodic Alert Scheduler ..........................................................................................
Event/Periodic Alerts creation with example......................................................................
1. Creation of Event Alerts..............................................................................................

2. Creation of Periodic Alerts ..........................................................................................

Overview of Oracle Alert:
Oracle Alert is your complete exception control solution. Oracle Alert facilitates the flow of information within your organization by letting you create entities called alerts to monitor your business information and to notify you of the information you want.

Types of Oracle Alert
There are two type of Oracle Alert.
1. Evert Alert
2. Periodic Alert

Event Alert Overview
An event alert immediately notifies you of activity in your database as it occurs. When you create an event alert, you specify the following:

• A database event that you want to monitor, that is, an insert or an update to a specific database
• A SQL Select statement that retrieves specific database information as a result of the database
• Actions that you want Oracle Alert to perform as a result of the database event. An action can
  entail sending someone an electronic mail message, running a concurrent program, running an
  operating script, or running a SQL statement script. You include all the actions you want Oracle
  Alert to perform, in an action set.

Periodic Alert Overview
A periodic alert checks the database for information according to a schedule you define. When you create a periodic alert, you specify the following:

• A SQL Select statement that retrieves specific database information.
• The frequency that you want the periodic alert to run the SQL statement.
• Actions that you want Oracle Alert to perform once it runs the SQL statement. An action can entail
  sending the retrieved information to someone in an electronic mail message, running a concurrent
  program, running an operating script, or running a SQL statement script. You include all the
  actions you want Oracle Alert to perform, in an action set.

Frequency for Periodic Alerts:

On Demand--If you choose this frequency, Oracle Alert checks your periodic alert only
when you specify. You do not have to fill in any other field in the Periodic Details block.
You check on demand alerts by using the Request Periodic Alert Check window.

On Day of the Month--If you choose this frequency, Oracle Alert checks your alert on a
monthly basis on the day number you enter in the Day field. If you want your alert checked
on the last day of the month, enter the number 31. Oracle Alert checks the alert on the 28th,
29th, 30th, or 31st, whichever is the actual last day of the month.

On Day of the Week--If you choose this frequency, Oracle Alert checks your alert on the
day of the week you enter in the Day field.

Every N Calendar Days--If you choose this frequency, enter a value in the Days field.
Oracle Alert considers every day a calendar day, and does not skip holidays.

Every Day--Choosing this frequency is the same as choosing Every N Calendar Days and
entering a value of 1 in the Days field.

Every Other Day--Choosing this frequency is the same as choosing Every N Calendar
Days and entering a value of 2 in the Days field.

Every N Business Days--If you choose this frequency, enter a value in the Days field.
Oracle Alert lets you choose your business days, but does not skip any holidays. A value of
1 indicates that Oracle Alert should check the alert every business day, and a value of 2
indicates that Oracle Alert should check the alert every other business day. If you enter 3 in
the Days field, Oracle Alert checks your periodic alert every three business days. For
example, if you enable your alert on a Monday, Oracle Alert checks the alert first on that
Monday, then on Thursday, then on the following Tuesday, then the following Friday, and
so on.

Every Business Day--Choosing this frequency is the same as choosing Every N Business
Days and entering a value of 1 in the Days field.

Every Other Business Day--Choosing this frequency is the same as choosing Every N
Business Days and entering a value of 2 in the Days field.

The Periodic Alert Scheduler
The Periodic Alert Scheduler (ALEPPE) is a concurrent program that automatically checks your
scheduled periodic alerts. This Program needs to be activated to fire any periodic Alerts.

To activate Periodic Alert Scheduler
a.   Concurrent Request form and perform a general query to see if the Periodic Alert Scheduler
      program is in the concurrent queue.
b.   If the Periodic Alert Scheduler's status is not Pending, navigate to the Schedule Alert Programs
c.   Select Periodic Alert Scheduler.
d.   Choose Activate to start the Periodic Alert Scheduler immediately or enter a value in the Active         Date field and then choose Activate to schedule it to start later.

Event/Periodic Alerts creation with example

A. Creation of Event Alerts
Go to Alert Manager Responsibility
(N) Alert > Define

Click on Action to give the Action Details

This SQL statement insert the value into TEROM_MARKET_SEGMENTS custom table which is coming like
Header_id from &new_header_id (above select statement)
Market_segment from terom_market_segments table

Click on Action Set and give the Action Set Details as following

Give the Alert Details

B. Creation of Periodic Alerts
Go to Alert Manager Responsibility
(N) Alert > Define

After writing the Query in Select Statement area click on Verify to verify the query and then click on
Run to execute the query.
After Click on Verify Button the following message will come.

Click on OK and Save

Click on Run button, the following screen will come. And click on OK.

2. Click on Actions Button and enter the Action information like following screen

Then click on Action Details and enter the value and save.

3. Click on Action Sets button from Alert window

Then click on Action Set Details

Set: -

Then click on Alert Details from the Alert window and enter the value and save.

Check the Alert

1. Go to Alert Manager

(N) Request>Check

Then View> Request >Find from Alert Manager Responsibility.

After Completed Normal check the email.

Note: There are 4 emails have come because it will send one email for each record.

Detail Description on Frequency of Oracle Periodic Alert

On Demand :-We have to run the alert to fire.

On Day of Month: It will fire last day of every month.
It will start from 12 AM up to 11 AM morning and each 2 hours interval the alert will fire once.
Exa: 12AM, 2 AM, 4 AM … … … … 8am, 10am.

On Day of Week : Same as On day of Month.

Every N Calendar Day: It will fire in each two days.

Every N Business Day: It will fire once in each three business day.(It will not count the holidays)

Every Day: It will fire daily

Every Other Day: It will fire in a alternative day.

Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   i.e. It will fire on 1,3 5 and 7 days

Every Business Day: It will fire every day except holiday

Every Other Business Day: It will fire in an alternative business (working) day.
i.e. it will not consider holidays


Import: We can import the files (which contain the query) if the query size is big, if it exceed the memory.

Action > Action Details

Concurrent Program: Used to execute the Concurrent program.

Message: Used to send the message via mail.

Operating System Script: Used to run the OS Script.

SQL Statement Script: Used to run the SQL statement Script.

Concurrent Program:

SQL Statement Script:

Periodic Set

It is the set of periodic Alert that Oracle Alert check simultaneously.

Once you define a periodic set, use the Request Periodic Alert Check window to request a check of the periodic set. Each periodic alert you include in a periodic set still continues to run according to its defined schedule.

Click on View Output, Then the message will go the respective mail id.

Here two periodic Alerts are firing simultaneously which has been attached to Periodic Set

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