Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Oracle SQL -Structure Query Language

Oracle SQL- Structure Query Language


1) RDBMS  FEATURES                                                     

2) DATA TYPES                                                               

3) SQL STATEMENTS                                                      
4) JOINS                                                                         

5) SUB QUERIES                                                             

6) CONSTRAINTS                                                            

7) VIEWS                                                                         

8) SYNONYMS       

9) CLUSTERS                                                                   




Dr. E.F  Codd  proposed the relational model for data base systems.

1) Data is represnted in the form of table(rows/columns).

2) Intersection of row and column gives single value.

3) No data redundancy.

4) Relations are maintained logically.

5) No physical link.

6) Data supports unlimited size.

7) Supports to store any type of data(numbers, char’s, images, sounds).

8) Supports the codd’s rule .

9) Data will be stored centrally at one place and shared by multiple users at once.

10) Provides high security.

11) Supports intergrity constraints.

12) Supports null values.

Oracle data types:-

1) Simple data types.

2) Composite data types.

1) Simple data types:-
1)Number (p ,s):-

Ex:-  empno  NUMBER(4), sal NUMBER(7,2).

2) Character data type :- Fixed length character data type. Fixed size is always 10 characters.

Ex:- ename  CHAR(20),course CHAR(15).

3) Varchar2 data type :- Varying length char data type.

Ex:- name VARCHAR2(20).

4) Date:- Used to hold date and time, by default time is set to null.

Ex:-date_of_birth DATE.

5) Long :-Supports to hold characters or numeric values.max length is 2 GB.

6) Raw:- Used to store images or binary data.

7) Long Raw:-Max limit for image is  2 GB.

  We have different LOB’s (large objects). They are:-

1) Clob ( character lob):- Holds character only.

2) Nclob (native language support lob):-Supports to store code in other languages like  german, French etc.

3) Blob (binary lob):-Used to store images.

4) Bfile (binary file):-Used to hold operating system files.

SQL Statements:-

1) Data Definition Language.

2) Data Manipulation Language.

3) Data Retrieving Language.

4) Transactional Control Language.

5) Data Control Language.

 1)Data Definition Language:-  Used to define data base objects.


1)Create:-Used to create any data base objects.

syntax:- CREATE TABLE  tablename
                            (<column1> < DATATYPE >,
                            <column2> < DATATYPE >,
                            <column3> <DATATYPE>,etc);

ex:-  CREATE TABLE  emp  ( empno       NUMBER(4),
                                     ename        VARCHAR2 (20),
                                     job            VARCHAR2(20),
                                     mgr           NUMBER(4),
                                     hiredate      DATE,
                                     sal            NUMBER(7,2),
                                     comm         NUMBER(7,2),
                                     deptno        NUMBER(4));

We can create table by using a sub query syntax.

Syntax:-  CREATE TABLE  table name <column>,<column>,<column>,<column>)
         As sub query.

       AS SELECT  empno,ename,sal FROM emp;

2) Alter:- Used to modify the structure of existing table. In Alter we have three options. they are:-

1) Add:- Used to add columns for a table.

Syntax:- ALTER TABLE table name
              ADD (<column1>< datatype>,<column2><datatype>,
                     <column3> <datatype>,etc);

Ex:-  ALTER TABLE  emp
           ADD (phone     NUMBER(10),
                    address  VARCHAR2(40));

2)Modify :-
                     Used to modify data type of a column .we can increase the size  of a column data type if it contains data or doesn’t contain data in a table.

  We cannot decrease the size if it contains data in a table .

Syntax:- ALTER TABLE  table name 
                              MODIFY (<column1> <DATATYPE>,
                                           <column2> <DATATYPE>,
                                          <column3> <DATATYPE>,etc);

Ex:-  ALTER  TABLE  emp
      MODIFY (empno NUMBER(8),ename VARCHAR2(30));

3)Drop:- We can drop a column in a table or we can drop table also.

Syntax:- ALTER TABLE table name 
                          DROP COLUMN  (<column>);

                      DROP COLUMN  empno;

Syntax:- ALTER TABLE table name
                         DROP (<column1> ,<column2>,<column3>,etc);

Ex:-  ALTER TABLE emp DROP(phone,address);

We can use set unused option with out directly droping the columns. later we can drop the unused columns.

 Syntax:- ALTER TABLE  <table name> SET UNUSED <columns>
            ALTER TABLE table name SET UNUSED COLUMN  column

ex:-  ALTER TABLE  emp
                   SET UNUSED COLUMN empno;
 Then we can drop unused columns .
 Syntax:-alter table table name drop unused columns.

                    DROP UNUSED columns;

Syntax:- DROP TABLE <table name>.

Ex:-  DROP TABLE emp;

4) Rename:- Rename old name to new name.

 ex:-  Rename emp TO employees.

5) Truncate:- It will delete all the rows from the table where we cannot rollback.
syntax:- TRUNCATE TABLE < table name>


Using data dictionary we can find out what are the table we have created .

    SELECT  table_name
       FROM user_tables;

   SELECT  DISTINCT  object_type
        FROM user_objects;

Use describe command to find the structure of table what we have created.

Syntax:-Desc table name;

DESC emp;

DESC dept;

2) Data Manipulation Language:- Used to insert or delete or update  records.

1)Insert :- Inserts new record into the table.

Syntax:-INSERT  INTO TABLE              (<column>,<column>,<column>,<column>) VALUES

Ex:- INSERT  INTO  emp (empno, ename, sal) VALUES(1,’siva’,2000);

        VALUES (1,’siva’,’manager’,555,’12-jan-89’,2000,300,10);

2) Update:-  Use to update rows in a table.

                                    SET  column= value,
                                            column= value
                 WHERE  condition;

Ex:- 1) UPDATE  emp
                            SET sal =5000
                            WHERE empno=7900;

   2) UPDATE emp
               SET             sal=5000,
              WHERE empno=7900;

3)Delete:- Used to delete records.

 Syntax:- DELETE FROM  table
                       WHERE condition.

Example 1:-  DELET FROM emp
                        WHERE  deptno=10;

Example 2:   DELETE FROM  emp;

4) Merge:- U  can conditionally insert or update rows in a table.

Syntax:- MERGE INTO TABLE AS  table _alias  USING
            (table/view/sub query) as alias  on
            join condition
          WHEN matched THEN
            UPDATE SET
          WHEN  no matched THEN
           INSERT  (column_list ) VALUES  (column_values);

Ex:- MERGE INTO  employees  AS  Emps  USING
           Emp E  ON  (emps.empno=E.empno)
WHEN matched  THEN
          Emps.job       =E.job,
          Emps.mgr      =E.mgr,
          Emps.sal        =E.sal,
WHEN  not matched THEN
     INSERT VALUES (E.empno,E.ename, E.job,E.mgr,E.hiredate,E.sal,E.comm,E.deptno);

3)Data Retrieving Language:- It is used to query the data from data base objects for read only purpose.

Syntax :-SELECT *|{[DISTINCT] column|expression [alias],….} FROM table;

1)    SELECT * FROM table;          
           it will displays all the columns available in that table.

   Ex:-  SELECT * FROM emp;   

1)    SELECT  column FROM  table;
           it displays specific columns which are mentioned in that table. 

  Ex:- SELECT  empno,ename,sal FROM  emp;   

3) SELECT DISTINCT  column FROM  table;

Ex:- 1) SELECT DISTINCT job FROM  emp;

        2) SELECT DISTINCT job,deptno  FROM  emp;

4) we can use expressions in select statement like +,*,-,/ .
Ex:- 1)SELECT  empno,ename,sal,sal+500 FROM  emp;

     2)SELECT  empno,ename,sal,12*sal+500  FROM  emp;

Rules of Precedence :-

  1. Arithmetic operators
  2. Concatenation  operator
  3. Comparison conditions
  6. NOT logical condition
  7. AND logical condition
  8. OR logical condition 

Ex:-SELECT  empno,ename,sal,12*(sal+500 )  
       FROM emp;

5) Alias:- It is used to rename column headings.

 Ex:- 1)SELECT  empno eno, deptno dno FROM  emp;

2) SELECT empno eno,ename  “name”, sal*12 “annual salary ”

   FROM emp;

6)Concatenation Operator:- It is used to join  columns or character strings.

Ex:- 1) SELECT   ename||job  AS “employee”
          FROM  emp;

We can use literals in between them .

2)SELECT  ename||’is a’||job  AS “employee” FROM  emp;

Where clause:-

Syntax :-select *|{[distinct] column|expression [alias],….}
                            FROM                table
                            WHERE condition(s);

You can restrict the rows returned from the query by using where clause.

Ex:-1) SELECT  empno,ename,sal FROM  emp WHERE deptno=10;

2)    SELECT  empno,ename,sal
     FROM emp
        WHERE ename=’KING’;

we can use following comparison operators in where clause.

1)   =      
2)    >          
3)   <           
4)  >=       
5)  <=  
6)  <>

Ex:- 1) SELECT  empno,ename,sal
           FROM  emp
           WHERE sal<=2000;

2)      SELECT  empno,ename,sal
       FROM  emp

       WHERE sal>=2000;

Other Comparison Conditions:-

1) between  …. And …..       
2)  in       
3)  like       
4)  is null

1)    SELECT  empno,ename,sal
     FROM  emp
     WHERE sal

     BETWEEN   2000 AND 5000;

1)    SELECT  empno,ename,sal,deptno
     FROM  emp

    WHERE  deptno IN  (10,20);

LIKE :- used to perform wild card searches of valid search string values. search conditions contain either literal characters or numbers.

     % (Percentage) denotes zero or many characters.

     _ (Underscore) denotes one character.

1)  SELECT  empno,ename,sal,hiredate
    FROM emp

    WHERE  hiredate LIKE ‘%81’;

2)    SELECT empno,ename,job,sal
     FROM  emp
    WHERE  ename
    LIKE ‘_A%’;

Logical Conditions:-

 1) AND                 2) OR                 3) NOT

1)    SELECT  empno,ename,sal,job
     FROM  emp
    WHERE  sal<=2000
        AND job LIKE ‘%CLE%’;

2)    SELECT  empno,ename,sal,job
    FROM  emp
    WHERE sal<=2000
    OR  job LIKE  ‘%MAN%’;     

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